Student Information (scroll down page to view sections) 

5 years ago

Attendance Policy

Attendance and being on time needs to be your child’s number one priority! Every moment of class which is missed is also a missed opportunity for learning. Being tardy to school also creates missed opportunities. Please reinforce the value of promptness with your child. Please avoid extended weekends and vacations that cause your child to miss learning opportunities at school. 

If your child must miss an hour, or a day, of school, please call the office (970) 368-1600 prior to the absence. If your child will be tardy only, please let the office know. Students must sign in at the office if they arrive after attendance has been taken. 

If you plan to take your child out of school for three days or more, please stop by the office to fill out a Planned Excused Absence form, which is to be signed by both the teacher and principal and will be part of your child’s cumulative file. These must be filled out at least 5 days prior to the scheduled absence. Failure to follow this policy will result in unexcused absences.

Lost and Found

Lost articles are taken to the “Lost and Found” by the library hallway. Smaller items are kept in the office. At the end of each quarter, unclaimed items are donated to charity. Silverthorne Elementary and the staff are not responsible for the replacement of items lost or stolen from within the school building or on the school grounds.Please mark your child's clothing, lunchbox, backpack and other items with first and last names. It is the quickest way for the items to be returned.

Early Dismissal

If a child needs to be dismissed from school before 3:05 p.m. on Monday or 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday - Friday , the person picking up the child must first sign the child out in the front office. A child will not be released to anyone other than a parent or guardian, or an individual identified by the parent as an emergency contact, unless the parent directly contacts the school office, making this request.

Birthday Celebrations

Please check with the classroom teacher about how the class celebrates birthdays, as we no longer can have cupcakes or other food due to allergy concerns.   You may bring party invitations to school to pass out only if you are inviting the whole class. We do not deliver balloons or floral arrangements for students to the classroom, so please do not send these items to school.

Delivering Lunch and Homework

Lunches and homework frequently get left behind. If you bring something to school for your child, please leave it at the front office. Delivery of these items will be done as not to interrupt the important learning going on in classrooms. Our goal is to have as few classroom interruptions as possible, and your understanding of this policy is appreciated!

Dress Code

Students are expected to dress in a manner which is appropriate for the educational environment (as defined by the Principal and district policy). Clothing with disruptive, offensive slogans or advocating drugs, alcohol or cigarettes are not allowed. Hats and sunglasses are not permitted during the school day. Clothing which does not adequately cover the body or oversized clothing which does not appropriately fit the student is not allowed. Shoes with roller wheels are not permitted. Keeping in mind that we live in a cold climate and we go outside daily for recess, please dress your child appropriately with boots, snow clothes, gloves, hats, etc. Students need to wear snow pants and boots to play in the snow.

Telephone Messages

We are always willing to send important messages to your child’s classroom. However, only in extreme emergencies will we connect you directly to a child. Children are allowed use of the phone only in emergency situations in order to keep the line open for business and to minimize interruptions during the learning day. Please make afterschool plans before the school day begins so your child knows what he/she is doing after school is over.

Student Health Services

1. By order of State Law, all children must meet state immunization requirements before being admitted to school. 

2. For the safety of all children, students should not bring medication of any kind to school. This includes aspirin, cough drops, etc. If any medication must be taken during the school day, the school nurse, or office personnel, must receive parent and doctor’s permission before administering the medication. 

3. Please do not allow your child to bring gum or candy to school. We want all children to enjoy a balanced lunch and healthy diet.

4. Children who are ill should be kept at home until they have recovered. Please have your child fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.

5. Please notify the school of any changes in your child’s health which may influence his/her day at school (such as injuries, hearing problems, dental care, glasses, etc.)


Students with a fever should not be in school and should be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school. If your child has a bad cold or cough, it is better for them to miss a day of school and get better than to come to class and suffer. We cannot give a student medicine unless we have a signed permission from a doctor and parent and the medication is in its original container. Parents may bring in medication to administer to their child at any time.

Safety Drills and Procedures

Regular, periodic drills will be held during the school year in order to accustom the students to disciplined behavior in case of an emergency. This also aids the students in adjusting to changing conditions with calmness and understanding. Necessary instruction in connection with fire, playground safety, severe weather and other appropriate drills will occur prior to the actual drills. As always, we believe it is good judgment to be prepared for any circumstance.

Report Cards

Report cards are issued every nine weeks. Report cards for the 1st and 2nd quarters will be given to parents at Parent/Teacher conferences. Report cards for the 3rd and 4th quarters will be sent home with students.