Volunteering voluntariado
4 years ago

Due to COVID 19 restrictions, we are not able to have volunteers in our building. We would love to have volunteers via Zoom. You could read with a scholar, or work on a specific assignment or skill. Please let us know if you are interested.
Are you interested in getting involved at Silverthorne Elementary? There are many opportunities available to be a member of our team. You might choose to volunteer in or out of the classroom, become a community reader, participate in the PTA fundraisers, become a member of PTA or join us for lunches. We encourage and welcome you to be as involved as you can. If you have any questions about how to get involved, simply call the school. We are here to help!
¿Está interesado en involucrarse en Silverthorne Elementary? Hay muchas oportunidades disponibles para ser miembro de nuestro equipo. Puede optar por ser voluntario dentro o fuera del aula, convertirse en un lector de la comunidad, participar en la recaudación de fondos de la PTA, convertirse en miembro de la PTA o unirse a nosotros para los almuerzos. Lo alentamos y le damos la bienvenida para que se involucre lo más posible. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre cómo participar, simplemente llame a la escuela. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudar!